Welcome to SICD – a cooperation body with R&D&I projects and programs presently hosted by Lund University and Södertörn University. SICD have, and has had since the early 2000s, a close cooperation with universities and other actors in East Africa and Bolivia. The cooperation activities are focused on cluster and innovation system development, including research components, sponsored by Sida and in its start also by VINNOVA.


SICD Innovation Share

We at SICD have compiled slides showcasing methods, concepts, and experiences of inclusive innovation derived from our collaborative work with partners in East Africa and Bolivia since 2004. These slides highlight the most useful insights we have gathered over the years.
Please find the SICD Innovation Share at this link. You can download the entire content using the drop-down menu above or at this link.
If you find the material useful, please feel free to use the slides to support your innovation processes. We would greatly appreciate it!

Book launching
at COSTECH, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – 7th November 2023
HANDBOOK for SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION – Learnings from Innovative Cluster and Innovation Fund Initiatives in Tanzania

Our current collaborative innovation-related activities involve:

SICD is the Swedish cooperating partner in the program Innovation and Technology Transfer INNOVA-UMSS as part of the Sida-funded program Research Training Partnership Program–Bolivia.
contact: linda.paxling@mau.se

SICD is the Swedish cooperating partner in the Sida-funded Rwandan program Innovation and use of research results as an Integral Part of UR Institutional Research Capacity Strengthening, a subprogram on Innovation in the bilateral agreement with the University of Rwanda.
contact: tomas.kjellqvist@sh.se

SICD is the Swedish cooperating partner in the Sida-funded program Fostering Innovation for Sustainable Socio Economic Development at COSTECH, Dar es Salaam.
contact: lena.trojer@circle.lu.se