The MSc program Innovation & Development was developed within the Sida supported bilateral Innovation program at Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), Cochabamba, Bolivia. The first program started in November 2018 headed by Dr Carlos Acevedo and in collaboration with SICD.

Core Modules
Module 1: Knowledge production within innovation processes.
Prof. Lena Trojer
Module 2: Research Methodology, PAR.
Dr Tomas Kjellqvist
Module 3: Innovation Systems and Development.
Dr Carlos Acevedo
Module 4: Specialized formative activities.
Prof. Per Eriksson;
MSc. Peter Kempinsky;
MSc. Helene Vogelmann;
MSc. Eduardo Zambrana.
Module 5: Final field work and writing of papers (2).
Students work in 2 manuscripts.
Work with supervisors (team of local supervisors + SICD team).
Module 6: Thesis writing.
Students work in thesis.
Work with supervisors (team of local supervisors + SICD team).
Master thesis papers
The following MSc students defended successfully their master thesis based on their 2 papers.
Jazmín Olivares Ugarte
paper 1: Learning in prototyping engineering in research centers of a public university in Bolivia
paper 2: Learning in prototyping management in research centers of a public university in Bolivia
Evaluator: Helene Vogelmann
Karina Apaza Coca
paper 1: Inter- and transdisciplinarity in inclusive innovation processes with rural communities: Reflections from the human and social sciences at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.
paper 2: Criteria and learning for building an inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue from the human and social sciences at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia.
Evaluator: Lena Trojer
Claudia Sánchez
paper 1: Building innovation systems for renewable energy diffusion in developing countries: A review on systemic problems.
paper 2: The technological innovation system of isolated hybrid micro-grids in Bolivia: Identifying systemic problems through a sequential analytical model.
Evaluator: Tomas Kjellqvist.
Abdiel Adriazola Muriel
paper 1: Use of biotechnology for the development of environmental solutions: innovation and learning processes for the transformation of organic waste at the UMSS.
paper 2: Use of biotechnology for the development of environmental solutions: innovation and learning processes to reduce the contamination of the de-hairing process in the leather processing in Leather Cluster Cochabamba.
Evaluator: Tomas Kjellqvist.
Carlos Camacho
paper 1: Learnings from inclusive innovation systems applied to the Cleaner Production Program for the leather industry.
paper 2: Assessment of inclusive innovation systems: Case Cochabamba Leather Cluster.
Evaluator: Peter Kempinsky
Marcelo Gustavo
paper 1: Innovation of the business model of software SMEs in developing countries: Connaxis, strategy transformations and demand creation in Bolivia
paper 2: Strategic innovation of software SMEs in developing countries: Connaxis, strategy and demand creation in times of quarantine Covid 19 in Bolivia.
Evaluator: Per Eriksson
Juan Pablo
paper 1: Facilitation Learnings in Prototyping Processes for SMEs in the Food Cluster Cochabamba, Bolivia.
paper 2: Criteria ff Good Practices of Facilitation for Prototyping Processes in University Clusters in Developing Countries: Case of the Cochabamba Food Cluster.
Evaluator: Peter Kempinsky
Gudnar Nuñez Veliz
paper 1: From technology transfer to inclusive innovation: Analysis of an experience of technology transfer for obtaining essential oils from a public university to rural communities in Bolivia.
paper 2: Building university research agendas linked to innovation processes for the inclusive development of rural communities.
Evaluator: Lena Trojer
Noelia Iriarte Sejas
paper 1: Technological innovation under conditions of scarcity: SMEs developing technology in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
paper 2: Characteristics of innovation processes in developing countries: Cases of SMEs and research centers of a public university in Bolivia.
Evaluator: Per Eriksson